1. News -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
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    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, themes, and useful information.
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    An NHS guide to...
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    A specialist project that pulls together the support and how to access it when needed.
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    Information of support for those who feel isolated. Available support and services.
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    Our seasonal update contains service information and messages as well as what we have been up to and what you told us.
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    The young person's communication project is aimed at young people aged 14-24 to find out their experiences and challenges in accessing health and social care services and whether young people are aware of alternative options for primary care services. We are conducting this survey to find out what barriers young people are faced with and what could help improve this for them.
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    The Office for Product Safety and Standards has issued an Urgent Safety Alert for baby self-feeding pillows and is urging the public to stop using them immediately and dispose of them safely. Businesses selling these products must immediately remove them from the market as they cannot comply with the safety requirements under the General Product Safety Regulations 2005.
    Link to more information: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/urgent-safety-alert-issued-for-baby-self-feeding-pillows
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    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
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    With the NHS under extra pressure this winter, we need to hear your experiences of care to help services understand what is working and spot issues affecting support for you and your loved ones.

    The NHS is facing added pressures this winter. This means that it can be more challenging for people to receive the care they need.
    Feedback from the public can play a vital role in helping health and social care services understand what is working and spot issues affecting the care of local people.
    This is why we have launched a campaign to get more people to share their experiences of care this winter.
    If you or a loved one have used GPs, hospitals, pharmacies, care homes or other support services this winter, we want to hear about your experience.
    Every experience matters
    Have you faced challenges or delays accessing health and care services this winter? If you have, we want to know how this has affected your health and wellbeing.

    Have you found accessing NHS services easy? Are there any aspects of the care you got that you really valued?
    Your positive or negative feedback can help services hear what is working and spot issues affecting care for you and your loved ones.
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    If so, please share your views using the link to survey: https://forms.office.com/e/DzzJDzWJET

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    Those eligible for the COVID-19 spring booster vaccine are:

    People aged 75 and older
    Residents in care homes for older people
    Those aged 5 and over who have weakened immune systems.
    If you are eligible for a spring booster, you will be contacted by the NHS by letter, text message or via the NHS App. Appointments can be booked via the National Booking System or NHS App, with first appointments available from Monday 17 April.

    The last date you will be able to book a spring booster will be 29 June, with the last spring vaccinations on offer the following day, 30 June.

    To book for yourself or a family member, go to www.nhs.uk/CovidVaccination , visit the NHS App, or call 119 for free.
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    The latest NHS data shows that a record number of people are waiting for care. However, our new research indicates that there is also a hidden waiting list, and more needs to be done to understand what it's like for people trying to get referred.

    New NHS data indicates that over seven million people are on waiting lists for specialist clinical care or surgery.

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    Here is our Spring Newsletter filled with information, updates, and messages from our partners.
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    Our Healthwatch Advisory Board - Public Meeting Minutes are now available. 18th April 2023.
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    Healthwatch Walsall want to hear from Black and Asian women living in Walsall about their maternity experiences. Were you happy with the treatment and care you received? We want to listen to your feedback and use this to influence service changes to make maternity services better, be more accessible, inclusive and for service users to have the highest quality of care.

    Share your feedback by taking part in our short survey. It takes just a couple of minutes. What you tell us can help shape services for the people who use them.

    Your feedback is anonymous, we will not ask your name and you do not have to tell us anything personal about yourself.
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    You have the right to make a complaint about any aspect of NHS care, treatment or service, this is written into the NHS Constitution on GOV.UK.
    From 1 July 2023 the way you make a complaint about primary care services to the commissioner is changing.
    By primary care services we mean GPs, dentists, opticians or pharmacy services.

    Click on the 'Downloads' button to find out more.
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    A great presentation about the 'Care Navigation' service in Walsall. Thank you to Fiona Micheli for presenting about the service.

    To learn about Walsall Care Navigation then click on 'Download' to see the presentation.
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    A great presentation about the 'Virtual Wards' service in Walsall. Thank you to Fiona Micheli for presenting about the service.

    To learn about Walsall Virtual Wards then click on 'Download' to see the presentation.
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    A great presentation about the 'Bowel Cancer' awareness in Walsall. Thank you to Jo Barlow for presenting.

    To learn about Bowel Caner awareness then click on 'Download' to see the presentation.
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    Yes, it will be on Tuesday 17th October from 11.00 am till 2.30 pm.

    The meeting venue is Ryecroft Community Hub, 28 New Forest Rd, Walsall WS3 1TR.

    This is an opportunity for you the public to meet the team and to find out the work we have been doing and are currently undertaking.

    We will present our Annual Report 2022/2023 as well as give an update on our 2023/2024 work projects.

    There will be guest speaker(s) and advice and information from support organisations.
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    People in the Black Country are being urged to think carefully about which health service they should use during next week’s industrial action.

    Hospital consultants and junior doctors are expected to go on strike for 72 hours next week, from 7am on Monday 2 October until 7am on Thursday 5 October, which will affect NHS local services. All health and care partners in the Black Country are working together to prepare for the industrial action and are asking the public for their support.

    Emergency care will be prioritised, and people are being reminded that 999 and emergency departments are still the right services if it is a life-saving emergency.

    However, for anything that isn’t life-threatening, people are being urged to use 111 online as the first port of call for health needs. People can also call 111 for help, advice, and signposting to the most appropriate service.

    Pharmacies, GP appointments, walk-in centres, minor injury units and urgent treatment centres will continue to be available during the industrial action and can help people with a range of injuries and illnesses. People with hospital appointments should continue to come forward for the care they need and do not need to call to check if appointments are going ahead. If appointments do need to be rearranged due to strike action, patients will be contacted directly.

    The NHS is also asking the public to play their part by taking simple steps during industrial action to look after themselves, loved ones and checking in on vulnerable family members and neighbours. Dr Ananta Dave, Chief Medical Officer for the NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board, said: “Demand for NHS services remains high, and we expect them to remain busy and under increased pressure during the strike action taking place next week.

    “Our priority is to continue to provide safe care for those who need it during the strike action,
    however, it’s vital that people choose services wisely over this period.

    “If you need medical help or advice, or you’re unsure what to do, you should contact NHS 111 online in the first instance, and they will direct you to the most appropriate service for advice or treatment. This could include your local pharmacy, GP or a local urgent treatment centre. “By ensuring you choose the most appropriate service, this will help NHS services to manage demand and ensure A&E departments can focus on treating people with serious and lifethreatening conditions.”

    Dr Mark Anderson, Chief Medical Officer at Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust, said:
    “The strike action planned for next week will bring substantial challenges to the local NHS,
    particularly hospital services.

    “Patients who have a planned hospital operation, outpatient clinics or procedures should attend
    as usual unless they hear from their NHS Trust to advise otherwise. “By ensuring you choose the most appropriate service, this will help NHS services to manage demand and ensure A&E departments can focus on treating people with serious and life-threatening conditions. “We’d like to thank all NHS colleagues who are working tirelessly to keep services running over the industrial action.”

    NHS 111 can help if you have an urgent medical problem and you’re not sure what to do. You can contact the service online or by calling 111, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Pharmacists can also offer expert advice on lots of common conditions such as coughs, colds, aches, and pains. To find your local pharmacy, visit the NHS website.

    People should only call 999 if it is a medical emergency.
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    The presentation slides from our Annual Public Meeting held on the 17th of October 2023 are now available to download.
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    Thank you to those who attended our Annual Public Meeting.

    But now we need your assistance. Start the conversation...
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    Pop-up COVID-19 and flu vaccination clinics have been set up in the Black Country with British Sign Language (BSL) support available for those who need it. The community pop-up clinics are being hosted at a range of locations in Wolverhampton, Dudley, Walsall and Sandwell, with no appointment necessary.

    A number of the clinics will be fully supported by a BSL interpreter, providing support for the deaf community who want to come forward for a winter vaccination.

    Anyone aged 18 and over who is eligible for an autumn COVID-19 or flu vaccine is invited to come forward.

    Those eligible for both winter vaccines include people aged 65 and over, those that are pregnant, adults and children (aged six months and above) with certain health conditions, care home residents, frontline health and social care staff, unpaid carers and household contacts of people with a weakened immune system.

    BSL interpreters will be available at the following pop-up clinics over the next few weeks:
    • Morrisons, Holyhead Road, Wednesbury, WS107BD, Thursday 2 November, 10am2pm
    • Tesco, Brownhills, Walsall, WS8 6DZ, Monday 6 November, 9am-1pm
    • The Square, New Invention, Willenhall, WV12 5EA, Wednesday 8 November, 10am2pm
    • Park Village Education Centre, Cannock Road, WV10 0RA, Tuesday 14 November,
    • Dudley Market Place, High Street, DY11PQ, Friday 17 November, 9am-1pm

    Sally Roberts, Chief Nursing Officer for the NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board, said: “Having a flu and/or COVID-19 jab can help make sure you and those you care for are well protected during the winter months and beyond.

    “Our pop-up clinics are a great way for those eligible for a flu or autumn COVID-19 vaccine to get vaccinated at a time and location that suits them, with no appointment necessary. “However, it’s important that they are accessible and inclusive as possible to ensure our communities feel supported to come forward for a vaccination, which is why we have also set up dedicated clinics which will have a BSL interpreter on site to support for BSL users.

    “If anyone is hesitant about the vaccine or has any questions, the clinics are an opportunity to speak to experts from the NHS in a private and confidential environment, so please do pop along even if it’s just to have a conversation.” Christopher Beech, Project Development Manager at Zebra Access, a deaf-led charity in Wolverhampton, said: “It is well documented that Deaf, Deafblind, Hard of Hearing and Deafened people are more likely to suffer from ill health due to lack of communication access to Health services and provisions.

    “Therefore, it is fantastic to see the planned pop-up vaccination clinic providing BSL access during November across different sites for this marginalised group as we approach the winter season.”

    In addition to the pop-up clinics, eligible people can book their autumn COVID-19 vaccine online
    via the National Booking System, or by calling 119.

    Calls to 119 are free from mobiles and landlines and the booking service provides support in 200 different languages. Those who have difficulties communicating or hearing, or are a BSL user can use textphone 18001 or the NHS 119 British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter service Flu vaccinations are also available at a range of community pharmacies. To find a pharmacy near you visit the NHS website.
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    To help focus our work projects for 2024/25. We need you, the Walsall public, to take part and answer a small number of questions. What you say could help reshape services to improve the service user experiences in the future. Make a difference today!
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    See it on here or on our YouTube Channel.
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    People in the Black Country are being urged to think carefully about which health service they should use during the upcoming industrial action and the Christmas and New Year bank holidays.

    Junior doctors are planning to strike from 7am Wednesday 20 December 2023 through to 7am Saturday 23 December 2023, and again from 7am Wednesday 3 January 2024 until 7am Tuesday 9 January 2024, during the traditionally busy Christmas and New Year period.

    All health and care partners in the Black Country are working together to prepare for the industrial action and the bank holidays, which will have significant impact on NHS local services, and are asking the public for their support.

    Emergency care will be prioritised, and people are being reminded that 999 and emergency departments are still the right services if it is a life-saving emergency. However, for anything that isn’t life-threatening, people are being urged to use 111 online as the first port of call for health needs. People can also call 111 for help, advice, and signposting to the most appropriate service.

    Pharmacies, GP appointments, walk-in centres, minor injury units and urgent treatment centres will continue to be available during the industrial action and can help people with a range of injuries and illnesses. People with hospital appointments should continue to come forward for the care they need and do not need to call to check if appointments are going ahead. If appointments do need to be rearranged due to strike action, patients will be contacted directly.

    Dr Ananta Dave, Chief Medical Officer for the NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board, said: “We’re approaching what is already one of the busiest times of the year for the NHS and there is no doubt that this level of planned strike action alongside the festive period will create an even greater strain on many of our services.

    “Your NHS is still here for you, but we’re asking people to consider whether A&E is the most appropriate place for their needs, and if it’s not, to seek alternatives. “NHS 111 online or by telephone is available 24/7 for urgent medical advice but it's worth remembering that most common ailments at this time of year can be effectively managed at home with advice from a local pharmacy.

    “By ensuring you choose the most appropriate service, you will not only you save time waiting, but you will be treated by the most appropriate healthcare professional for your needs. This will also help NHS services to manage demand and ensure hospitals can focus on treating people with serious and life-threatening conditions.”

    The NHS has also been reminding people to order any repeat prescriptions in advance. This not only helps avoid a last-minute rush for GP practices and pharmacies, but also helps ease the burden on the NHS 111 service and hospitals.

    Dr Julian Hobbs, Medical Director at Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Undoubtedly this festive period will be a huge challenge as we prepare not only for our busiest time of the year, but also the impact of the longest industrial action period so far across our hospitals.

    “Our number one priority is to ensure that those in greatest need continue to have access to high quality care and our immediate focus will be on the safe delivery of urgent and emergency care services.

    “Planned appointments and clinics are likely to be affected, however people should continue to attend their appointments unless they are contacted directly by the NHS.

    “I'd also like to thank all health and care teams across the Black Country for their work over this busy time, as always your dedication in helping those who need help and support is greatly appreciated.”

    NHS 111 can help if you have an urgent medical problem and you’re not sure what to do. You can contact the service online 111.nhs.uk or by calling 111, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    A small number of pharmacies will be open on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day for any people in need of an emergency prescription, urgent advice on medicine or a confidential consultation for a minor health concern.

    Opening times for all of the Black Country’s pharmacies, including those staying open on the bank holidays, can be found on the NHS website.

    People should only call 999 if it is a medical emergency
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    We will be closed on the 25th, 26th and 27th of December. And the 1st of January 2024.
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    The Black Country Local Maternity and Neonatal System (BCLMNS) is looking at a way of working across Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton. This would mean that care is based on where women and birthing people plan to have their babies – rather than being based on geography
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    With the start of the new school term and the continuing rise in measles cases across the West Midlands, parents and carers in Walsall are being urged to ensure their children are up to date with their vaccinations such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) as soon as possible.
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    In June 2023, the NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board (ICB) published the local NHS Joint Forward Plan, describing how NHS organisations in the Black Country will work together with other partners, including Local Authorities and the community and voluntary sector, to arrange and provide services to meet the needs of local people.
    The following five priority areas were set out in the plan:

    Priority 1- Improving access and quality of services
    Priority 2- Community where possible – hospital where necessary
    Priority 3- Preventing ill health and tackling health inequalities
    Priority 4- Giving people the best start in life
    Priority 5- Best place to work.
    With the second year approaching, the plan has been updated and a sixth priority - ‘fit for the future’ - has been added. This is to recognise that the Black Country health system needs to change the way it works to embrace the opportunities and meet the challenges it faces.
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    Ideas Made Real is for young people aged 16-24 to turn their social action projects and community ideas into reality. Each successful young person will receive an award of up to £8,000 and expert support from United By 2022’s youth team to bring their project to life. Whether it's addressing homelessness, promoting mental health awareness, or improving their surroundings, Ideas Made Real is designed by young people, for young people. Ideas Made Real is part of our GEN22 programme and last year’s projects won a national award.

    To celebrate the West Midlands turning 50 this year, Ideas Made Real will hand the reins over to young people to create lasting impacts in their neighbourhood, their community and their home. If you have ever felt that no-one is doing anything about an issue that you care about, then this is for you. Previous participants say that Ideas Made Real made them feel confident and connected, and proud they made a difference for a community important to them, or in the place they call home.
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    This May Measure Month (MMM), eligible people in the Black Country are being reminded to visit their local pharmacy for a blood pressure check.

    Led by the International Society of Hypertension, MMM is an annual global screening campaign which aims to educate people on the importance of having their blood pressure checked regularly, as raised blood pressure is the number one cause of preventable death worldwide.

    High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a serious condition where your heart is made to consistently work harder to pump blood around your body.

    It often has no symptoms and can increase your risk of a number of serious and potentially lifethreatening conditions such as heart disease, heart attack, stroke, heart failure, kidney disease and dementia.

    People who might be more at risk of having high blood pressure include those who:
    • are overweight
    • do not do enough exercise
    • drink too much alcohol or coffee (or other caffeine-based drinks)
    • smoke
    • have a lot of stress
    • eat too much salt and not enough fruit or vegetables
    • are over 65 years old
    • are of Black African or Black Caribbean descent.

    All adults over 40 years old are advised to have their blood pressure checked at least every five years.
    In the Black Country it is estimated there are around 75,000 people with undiagnosed hypertension and so the NHS is reminding people aged 40 and over who haven’t had a blood pressure check in the last six months to come forward.

    Dr Sunil Nadar, Clinical Lead Cardiologist at The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust and MMM National Lead for England, said: “High blood pressure rarely has any symptoms which is why it is called the ‘silent killer’. It can significantly raise your risk of a life-threatening heart attack, heart failure, or stroke, and the only way to know you have the condition is to get your blood pressure measured.

    “High blood pressure can often be prevented or reduced by eating healthily (especially reducing salt in the diet), maintaining a healthy weight, taking regular exercise, drinking alcohol in moderation and not smoking. Some people with high blood pressure will also need to take one or more medicines to stop their blood pressure getting too high – what works best is different for each person.

    “Checking your blood pressure is quick, simple and painless, and it could save your life. So, if you don’t know what your blood pressure is, May is the time to find out.” Selected community pharmacies across the Black Country offer a free blood pressure check service for people aged 40 and over with no previous history of high blood pressure. You can find a pharmacy that offers free blood pressure checks near you on the NHS website.
    Stephen Noble, local pharmacist and Chief Officer of the Community Pharmacy Dudley, said: “May Measure Month is a great opportunity for raise awareness of high blood pressure and the importance of having a blood pressure check.

    “If you’re aged 40 and over and you’re not already being monitored by a doctor, you can quickly and easily get your blood pressure checked by going into your local pharmacy. It’s a free, simple and non-invasive test, conducted in privacy, and you don’t need to book in advance.

    “Depending on the result, the pharmacist might give you advice to support healthy living, give you a blood pressure monitor to take home with you and return later, or advise you to see a GP. Your blood pressure readings are also sent to your GP so your health records can be updated.”
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    People in the Black Country are being reminded to order any repeat prescriptions they may need ahead of the spring bank holiday (Monday 27 May).

    GP practices and pharmacies will have limited opening hours over the bank holiday weekend, making it more challenging for people to access medicines at short notice and may lead to a delay in getting your medication.

    Every bank holiday, NHS 111 sees an increase in people getting in touch about repeat prescriptions. Waiting and using emergency or urgent services over the spring bank holiday puts added pressure on already busy services.

    To avoid this and to ensure health is not put at any unnecessary risk, people are being asked to submit any repeat prescriptions that are due for renewal by Friday 17 May to make sure there is enough time for them to be processed and dispensed.

    Dr Ananta Dave, Chief Medical Officer for the NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board, said: “The time leading up to a bank holiday weekend can be busy for the NHS. By ordering medicines as soon as possible, it allows enough time for it to be processed and dispensed and helps avoid a last-minute rush. “If you take any medicine on a regular basis to help manage a long-term condition such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or asthma, now is the time to check that you have enough medication left to last you over the upcoming spring bank holiday. “Keeping your medicine cabinets stocked, knowing when your GP practice is open, and planning for repeat prescriptions that are due will ensure you can make the most of the long weekend. “The easiest way to order repeat prescriptions is via the NHS App or through your GP practice website. If you do not have access to GP online services, you can phone your GP practice to order prescriptions.”

    Most repeat medication requests can be made online, via local practice websites or through the NHS App. People who do not use the internet can approach their practice to access their prescriptions.

    If people feel unwell over the bank holiday weekend, but it’s not life threatening, they can contact NHS 111 online at 111.nhs.uk or by calling 111.

    NHS 111 can help direct people to the most appropriate local health service if they aren’t sure where to go – this could include an out of hours GP, a pharmacy, a local NHS walk-in centre, ora hospital accident & emergency (A&E) department.

    Urgent and emergency care services will also be open as normal over the long weekend. People should only call 999 or attend A&E services in the event of an emergency.
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    Due to the bank holiday some services such as GP surgeries and pharmacies may be closed or working on a reduced service. Selected pharmacies will still be available for prescriptions, non-urgent medical advice, and treatment of common ailments.

    People who need medical help that isn’t an emergency should contact NHS 111 in the first instance by visiting 111.nhs.uk or by calling 111.

    NHS 111 can help direct people to the most appropriate local health service if they aren’t sure where to go – this could include an out of hours GP, a pharmacy, a local NHS walk-in centre, or a hospital accident & emergency (A&E) department.
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    Pregnant women in the Black Country are being reminded to come forward for a whooping cough vaccination, as cases continue to rise.

    Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a highly contagious bacterial infection that mainly affects the lungs and airways. It spreads very easily and can sometimes cause serious problems, especially in babies and young children.

    Initial symptoms are similar to those of a common cold, including a runny nose and a mild fever. After a week, the infection can develop into coughing bouts that are often worse at night. Some babies and adults may make a ‘whoop’ sound and have difficulty breathing after coughing.

    Mums-to-be are offered the vaccine between 16 and 32 weeks of pregnancy so their baby has protection against whooping cough until they are old enough to have the routine immunisation at 8 weeks old.

    All babies are given three doses of the 6-in-1 jab combination vaccine at 8, 12 and 16 weeks of age to protect against whooping cough and other serious diseases, such as diphtheria and polio, with a pre-school booster offered at 3 years 4 months. It's best to have them on time, but children can still have the 6-in-1 vaccine up to the age of 10.

    The NHS has created a video with Rickell Bailey, the midwifery led unit manager at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, to explain why the whooping cough vaccine is important. You can watch the video on YouTube. Liz Punter, Midwife at The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust, also explains why pregnant women should come forward for a vaccine. She said: “The only way you can help protect your baby from getting whooping cough in their first few weeks after birth is by having the whooping cough vaccination yourself while you are pregnant.

    “The best time to get vaccinated to protect your baby from whooping cough is from 16 weeks up to 32 weeks of pregnancy. This maximises the chance that your baby will be protected from birth, through the transfer of your antibodies before they are born.
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    Have you had an issue communicating with a professional? Have you had issues accessing health services? A campaign for and by young people in Walsall
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    Reflexions is a Mental Health Support Team (MHST), that are a service that helps increase access to mental health
    support for children and young people in schools.
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    he launch of our Joint Forward Plan comes as the Black Country ICB and the ICS celebrate its one-year anniversaries. In the last 12 months, we have already achieved a great deal by working in partnership with organisations in the health and care sector. However, there is no question that this is a challenging time for health and care services, which is why our plan recognises the collective strength in working together to resolve our shared challenges and describes our ambition to improve quality and outcomes for people who use our services.

    This plan is just the start of our journey and I look forward to working with you to bring it to life and make a real difference to the health of people in the Black Country.

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    Childhood vaccinations video - English
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    If you do not have the power to make certain decisions, a lasting power of attorney keeps those decisions with the people you trust.

    Start a conversation today.

    #YourVoiceYourDecision @OPGGovUK 
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    Dental services across the West Midlands are commissioned by the Office of the West Midlands, on behalf of NHS Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Board (ICB) and NHS Black Country ICB.

    We want to know what’s important to you when accessing orthodontic treatment. Whether you’ve recently had orthodontic treatment, or simply want your voice heard, your input is vital for helping us shape how these services are provided in the future.
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    The Community Urgent Eyecare Service (CUES) is a free NHS service for anyone who is experiencing emergency eye care problems and is registered with a GP in the Black Country.

    The symptoms that can be treated by the service includes:
    • red or painful eye or eyelids
    • recently occurring flashes and floaters
    • recent and sudden loss of vision
    • a foreign body in the eye.

    Adults and children can use the service, which is available via participating opticians across the Black Country, without the need for a GP referral.

    This service is not an eye test and does not cover long standing or major eye conditions such as such as cataracts, diabetic retinopathy or glaucoma. Those who have one of these conditions should contact their optometrist or hospital eye service directly for advice in the usual way.

    Sarb Basi, Director of Primary Care for the NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board, said: “It’s important that we look after our eyes by having regular check-ups with an optician. However, if you find yourself with a sudden urgent eye condition, the CUES can give advice and treatment without delay.

    “In most cases, the CUES will be able to treat patients quickly and easily. And, if hospital treatment is needed, the service will arrange an emergency appointment with an eye specialist at a hospital – meaning that patients have access to the right care straightaway.

    “In the Black Country, there is a hugely talented workforce in primary care opticians who have the equipment and skills required to assess, diagnose and where necessary, treat eye problems. The CUES is a great example of providing more efficient care closer to home by minimising delays and reducing the need for hospital visits, and I would encourage people to access this service if they need urgent eye treatment.”

    People can book an assessment with the Community Urgent Eyecare Service online.
    You may also be referred or redirected to the service by another health care provider such as a GP, local pharmacist, optician, NHS 111 or A&E.

    The self-referral service is coordinated by Primary Eyecare, the largest single not-for-profit primary eyecare lead provider in England.