1. Report -

    A copy of our public meeting/ minutes
  2. Report -

    We undertook a survey with people who have used the UTC at Walsall Manor Hospital.
  3. News -

    Part of our Walsall Together work
  4. Report -

    The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) is a key commissioning tool for NHS England, Local
    Authority and Clinical Commissioning Group’s (CCG). The PNA includes pharmaceutical services and
    other services that may be delivered through community pharmacy. The PNA maps current provision,
    assesses local need, and identifies any gaps in provision. It is reviewed every 3 years and Healthwatch
    Walsall were pleased to be asked to have an integral role in the consultation process.
  5. Report -

    A copy of our public meeting/ minutes. Agenda plus 4 documents enc.
  6. Advice and Information -

    Health issues unfortunately don't leave us alone at the weekend and people are often in need of medical assistance out of hours. Using NHS guidelines, we have provided some advice and information on where you can go for help when your GP is closed.
  7. News -

    An insight into how one diabetic patient manages their condition and lives a packed life.
  8. News -

    Information of support for those who feel isolated. Available support and services.
  9. Report -

    Throughout the pandemic, Mental Health in young people has been exacerbated due to minimal socialising with the lockdown, not attending education, and having to support relatives.
  10. Report -

    Healthwatch continues to gather information locally, through various means, such as surveys, focus groups, one-to-one conversations and questionnaires.
  11. News -

    A specialist project that pulls together the support and how to access it when needed.
  12. News -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
  13. Advice and Information -

    Find out the signs and symptoms of monkeypox, what to do if you think you have it and who is eligible for a vaccine.
  14. Report -

    A copy of our Annual Public Meeting presentation
  15. Blog -

    Throughout our work, we gather information about health inequalities by speaking to people whose experiences aren’t often heard.
  16. Report -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
  17. News -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, themes, and useful information.
  18. News -

    Our seasonal update contains service information and messages as well as what we have been up to and what you told us.
  19. News -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
  20. News -

    An NHS guide to...
  21. News -

    We want to understand how social work can help improve older people's lives.
  22. Report -

    This report contains the outcome of engagement work undertaken in relation to loved ones and family members experiences of end of life / palliative care in Walsall and details some recommendations for end-of-life care pathway improvements for commissioners and providers of end-of-life services to consider and respond to.
  23. Report -

    Healthwatch Walsall working with Walsall Together had been asked to
    carry out a project on male suicide. The proposal for this work had
    been put forward by the East 2 Primary Care Network who wanted a
    local campaign to raise awareness about male suicide
  24. News -

    The beginning of May is upon us and where is the year going? It’s great that we are now out and about in the Borough, being able to meet up
    with new and old faces again and as we continue with our engagement program, we look forward to meeting more of you to hear about your health and social care experiences.
  25. News -

    Healthwatch Walsall is the independent champion for local people’s voices in health and social care in Walsall and the contract is delivered by ECS.
  26. Report -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
  27. News -

    The young person's communication project is aimed at young people aged 14-24 to find out their experiences and challenges in accessing health and social care services and whether young people are aware of alternative options for primary care services. We are conducting this survey to find out what barriers young people are faced with and what could help improve this for them.
  28. Advice and Information -

    Suicide is preventable – If you or someone you know is having suicidal
    thoughts, we can all help those at risk. In the UK in 2019, 6524 people took their own lives. Men are three times more likely than women to die by suicide. Women are more likely to report suicidal thoughts. Click on the link to download a useful information leaflet.
  29. News -

    Have you had an issue communicating with a professional? Have you had issues accessing health services? A campaign for and by young people in Walsall
  30. Report -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
  31. News -

    The Office for Product Safety and Standards has issued an Urgent Safety Alert for baby self-feeding pillows and is urging the public to stop using them immediately and dispose of them safely. Businesses selling these products must immediately remove them from the market as they cannot comply with the safety requirements under the General Product Safety Regulations 2005.
    Link to more information: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/urgent-safety-alert-issued-for-baby-self-feeding-pillows
  32. Advice and Information -

    The latest data from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) shows that scarlet fever cases continue to remain higher than we would typically see at this time of year.
  33. Advice and Information -

    There are a number of things you can do to help including getting your winter vaccinations and using the NHS 111 service first for any urgent medical need. The below links take you to the relevant advice and information to support you during the winter.

  34. News -

    From all the team at Healthwatch Walsall
  35. News -

    Full of updates, information and messages from our partners.