1. Advice and Information -

    Waiting for planned medical care or surgery can be a frustrating time. That’s why it’s so important that while you wait, you get regular, clear and accessible updates so that you can plan your next steps.
  2. Report -

    Hospital discharge refers to when a person leaves the hospital once they have recovered.
  3. Report -

    The Accident and Emergency (A&E) Workstream of Healthwatch Walsall carried out a survey in the Accident and Emergency Department of Walsall Manor Hospital during May 2016
  4. Report -

    For most people who are admitted to hospital there are no serious long-term implications from their admission and no need for ongoing social care support once discharged.
  5. News -

    We want to understand how social work can help improve older people's lives.
  6. Report -

    A copy of our Annual Public Meeting presentation
  7. Report -

    A copy of our public meeting/ minutes. Agenda plus 4 documents enc.
  8. Report -

    A copy of our public meeting/ minutes
  9. Report -

    A copy of our public meeting/ minutes
  10. Report -

    Healthwatch Walsall Advisory Board (HAB) Meeting held on Friday 6 August 2021 02:15 p.m. Virtual online digital platform Zoom
  11. Report -

    Healthwatch Walsall Advisory Board (HAB) Meeting held on Monday 19 April 2021 02:15 p.m.
    Virtual online digital platform Zoom
  12. Report -

    Healthwatch Walsall Advisory Board (HAB) Meeting held on Thursday 4 February 2021 11:15 a.m.
    Virtual online digital platform Zoom.
  13. Report -

    Healthwatch Walsall Advisory Board (HAB) Meeting held on Thursday 23 July 2020, 2.00 p.m.
    Virtual Meeting
  14. News -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
  15. Report -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
  16. News -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, themes, and useful information.
  17. News -

    An NHS guide to...
  18. News -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
  19. News -

    A specialist project that pulls together the support and how to access it when needed.
  20. News -

    Information of support for those who feel isolated. Available support and services.
  21. News -

    Part of our Walsall Together work
  22. Report -

    Heart disease remains as one of the major causes of premature death in Walsall. There have
    been several reports produced locally by Public Health Walsall that evidence this but there is
    also other intelligence published by Public Health England e.g., CVD primary care intelligence
    pack (2021). We understand that a range of factors heighten the risk of heart disease and
    that generally premature deaths from this disease tend to be in the more deprived areas of
    Walsall where risk factors that can cause heart disease are more prevalent. As background
    data to support this report we have obtained some summary information from our local

    Public Health department as well as undertaking a limited analysis of the CVD primary care
    intelligence pack 2021 and this follows.
  23. Report -

    115,000 people a year die from lung disease in the UK, equivalent to 1 person every 5
    minutes, and every day, 1500 people are newly diagnosed with lung disease. Moreover, the
    health outcomes for people with lung disease have not improved over the last 10 years to the
    same extent as other diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. The mortality rate
    (the number of people per 100,000 dying) of people aged under 75 from respiratory disease
    in Walsall is 48.1, which is significantly worse than the national rate of 34.2.

    There were 5040 emergency hospital admissions for respiratory disease in 2018/19 in
    Walsall. Hospital admissions due to respiratory conditions are a major factor in the winter
    pressures faced by the NHS and lung disease costs the UK more than £11 billion per year
    including the impact on the NHS (£9.9bn), and wider economy through working days lost
  24. Report -

    This report is the culmination of engagement work undertaken and co-ordinated by Paul Higgitt,
    Senior Engagement Lead, Healthwatch Walsall from the beginning of 2020 when individual patient
    stories were recorded followed by three virtual patient engagement events held during June and July
    2020. This work has been supported throughout by Phil Griffin, Walsall Together Service User Group
    Chair. A significant number of diabetes patients have been involved in this work and there has also
    been some input from Diabetes Specialist Nurses and also Diabetes UK.
  25. News -

    Our seasonal update contains service information and messages as well as what we have been up to and what you told us.
  26. News -

    The beginning of May is upon us and where is the year going? It’s great that we are now out and about in the Borough, being able to meet up
    with new and old faces again and as we continue with our engagement program, we look forward to meeting more of you to hear about your health and social care experiences.
  27. News -

    Our Autumn newsletter has just dropped.
    With useful information and support opportunities.
  28. Report -

    We wanted to find out what is important to young people when accessing Health and Social Care services, what they feel is missing and give young people an opportunity to have their voices heard.
  29. News -

    Healthwatch Walsall would like to know what is affecting you and your family, how you are/will be planning to manage and to find out what support you need?
  30. News -

    Been discharged or know someone who has from Walsall Manor Hospital? Then take part in our discharge survey. Let's find out how it went.
  31. Report -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
  32. News -

    The young person's communication project is aimed at young people aged 14-24 to find out their experiences and challenges in accessing health and social care services and whether young people are aware of alternative options for primary care services. We are conducting this survey to find out what barriers young people are faced with and what could help improve this for them.
  33. News -

    Have you had an issue communicating with a professional? Have you had issues accessing health services? A campaign for and by young people in Walsall
  34. Advice and Information -

    There are a number of things you can do to help including getting your winter vaccinations and using the NHS 111 service first for any urgent medical need. The below links take you to the relevant advice and information to support you during the winter.

  35. News -

    Shape the NHS forward plan
    We want everyone in the Black Country to have improved health, now and in the future. We're writing a NHS Joint Forward Plan with local healthcare partners to set out how we'll work together to meet your health needs, and you can help too.
  36. News -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
  37. News -

    With the NHS under extra pressure this winter, we need to hear your experiences of care to help services understand what is working and spot issues affecting support for you and your loved ones.

    The NHS is facing added pressures this winter. This means that it can be more challenging for people to receive the care they need.
    Feedback from the public can play a vital role in helping health and social care services understand what is working and spot issues affecting the care of local people.
    This is why we have launched a campaign to get more people to share their experiences of care this winter.
    If you or a loved one have used GPs, hospitals, pharmacies, care homes or other support services this winter, we want to hear about your experience.
    Every experience matters
    Have you faced challenges or delays accessing health and care services this winter? If you have, we want to know how this has affected your health and wellbeing.

    Have you found accessing NHS services easy? Are there any aspects of the care you got that you really valued?
    Your positive or negative feedback can help services hear what is working and spot issues affecting care for you and your loved ones.
  38. Report -

    A report about patient communication with, to and from Walsall Manor Hospital.

    Feedback that we received from members of the public about communication at Walsall Manor Hospital, formed the basis of this project. We wanted to take this opportunity to find out about people’s experiences with communication at Walsall
    Manor Hospital, assess how patients feel about their experiences, and gather their ideas and concerns so that they can be
    represented to key stakeholders.
  39. News -

    A great graphical and informative presentation. Well done Baljot Kaur, great work.
  40. Advice and Information -

    With NHS staff holding industrial action this winter, common questions and answers.

    Which workers have backed industrial action?
    Up to 100,000 nurse members of the RCN;
    Up to 20,000 ambulance members of GMB, Unison and Unite;
    4,000-plus members of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy; and
    Junior hospital doctor members of the British Medical Association are also being balloted in January.

    When will strike action take place?
    6 and 20 March: Ambulance strike by GMB at same 7 trusts as in February.

  41. News -

    Watch the animation video to discover the key organisations that make up the NHS and how they can collaborate with partners in the health and care system to deliver joined-up care.

    This animation has been developed by The King’s Fund with the support of: https://www.carnallfarrar.com/
  42. News -

    Between 20 September 2022 and 10 November 2022, carried out an unannounced inspection of three of the acute services provided by this trust as part of our continual checks on the safety and quality of healthcare services. We also inspected the well-led key question for the trust overall.

    To see our mention go to page 19 about half way down the page.
  43. Report -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
  44. News -

    Free & Confidential NHS tests: Cholesterol, Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure, BMI, Lifestyle Advice

    Friday 12th May 10.00am - 3.00pm at The Crossing at St. Pauls, Darwall Street, Walsall.
  45. Report -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
  46. Report -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
  47. News -

    Those eligible for the COVID-19 spring booster vaccine are:

    People aged 75 and older
    Residents in care homes for older people
    Those aged 5 and over who have weakened immune systems.
    If you are eligible for a spring booster, you will be contacted by the NHS by letter, text message or via the NHS App. Appointments can be booked via the National Booking System or NHS App, with first appointments available from Monday 17 April.

    The last date you will be able to book a spring booster will be 29 June, with the last spring vaccinations on offer the following day, 30 June.

    To book for yourself or a family member, go to www.nhs.uk/CovidVaccination , visit the NHS App, or call 119 for free.
  48. Report -

    A copy of our public meeting/ minutes.
  49. News -

    The latest NHS data shows that a record number of people are waiting for care. However, our new research indicates that there is also a hidden waiting list, and more needs to be done to understand what it's like for people trying to get referred.

    New NHS data indicates that over seven million people are on waiting lists for specialist clinical care or surgery.